
Practitioner Information: about maintrac

About Maintrac

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Maintrac® is an innovative analysis platform in cancer diagnostics and therapy monitoring. Maintrac® identifies and quantifies the circulating tumour cells (CTCs/CETCs) in the blood sample of cancer patients and analyses the efficacy of selected drugs. In clinical trials with more than 900 patients, Maintrac® has demonstrated that monitoring circulating tumour cells in the adjuvant situation, during maintenance and antibody therapy has significant benefits, including earlier detection of possible relapse.

The Maintrac® method has been critically validated and published in peer reviewed journals for over 12 years. Maintrac® CTC/CETC tests are acknowledged and utilised by many universities, Oncologists and cancer clinics worldwide. To order a test, the test must first be authorised by a certified, registered health practitioner and associated medical history information provided.

The Maintrac® laboratory (SIMFO) is accredited by the German laboratory accreditation organisation, DAKKS. DAKKS is a signatory to the International Laboratory Accreditation Coorporation, ILAC. Signatories to ILAC agree to a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) whereby testing performed in accredited laboratories is recognised as equivalent to testing in other equally accredited laboratories. For more information about accreditation, click here.

Circulating Tumour Cells (CTC/CETC)

We test these cells, called 'Circulating Tumour Cells'

Circulating Tumour Cells (CTC/CETCs) sparked scientific interest over fifty years ago and their detection and analysis is proving to be a highly sought-after tool in the individualisation of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

It is very well established that Circulating Tumour Cells are essential for the establishment of metastases: they function as the single haematological route of malignancies. In fact, ‘metastatic insufficiency’ is officially defined as the elimination of CTC/CETCs.

CTC/CETCs are a subpopulation of tumour cells derived from the primary cancer site that have:

  • Detached from the primary tumour mass

  • Adopted genetic mutations that enabled migration through the basement membrane (epithelial tumours) and extracellular matrix

  • Dedifferentiated or undergone the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (carcinoma derived cells only)

  • Entered into the peripheral blood stream where the circulate as tumour cells with metastatic potential - this is the point at which they are termed 'Circulating Tumour Cells' (CTC/CETCs).

  • Have the potential to disseminate and proliferate as a metastatic lesion

  • Can stimulate angiogenesis

  • May have stem-cell like or tumour initiating properties

- Fluhrer, JG & Fluhrer JM (2010) Circulating Tumour Cells, ACNEM Journal 29(1):5-9

Author and Medical Director Dr. Joachim Fluhrer is happy to discuss clinical utility of Circulating Tumour Cells with healthcare practitioners. Contact Genostics for more information